Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Mood Board: Yellow

What a lovely weekend we have had! With the sun coming out and seriously, we could hear the gushing drains with all the snow melting. That was indeed something very nice to hear in a long time folks!

So how are you all doing? Getting prepped up for Spring? I certainly am. My  elder daughter turns 7 this Wednesday and we've planned a circus themed party for her. And right now, the colors on my mind are  red yellow and blue. 

But YELLOW is what is overtaking my mood today and so here are some fabulous finds in Gorgeous sunny yellow.

Go find something YELLOW in your closet or home. See how this colour will really give you a spring in your step today!

I think I would love to wear a yellow sari this Holi festival! What say? 

and to prep up the mood even more here's this gorgeous  peacock picture in hues of yellow and brown



  1. Yellow is such a happy color perfect for a birthday party. I love the yellow sari, it is so beautiful.
    Everyday Inspired


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