Tuesday, March 12, 2013

For the love of Yoga

The March Spring Break is on here in Canada!

And yes besides the  birthday prep that is  going on at home, my daughters and I are having a  blast doing  Yoga together. I had bought this book on Yoga-  Yoga and children to keep my kids active.

So much fun doing Yoga with the girls. Of course I see that gone are the days when my body was uber flexible. But my almost 7 and almost 4 year old can just about do anything!

And when I saw this Yoga Art picture today, I was like...Hey this is US! 

Image courtesy: Merging Hemispheres


  1. Great image. I bet your girls are loving doing yoga with you. Enjoy your Spring Break.
    Everyday Inspired

  2. Thank you Valerie! We are def enjoying the Spring break!


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