Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Going Gluten free

I've taken the gluten free pledge and I hope to have the will power to curb my cravings for all that is you know what! Will keep you dated when I cross a milestone!


  1. I've heard that gluten-free is very healthful even for those who are not necessarily gluten sensitive, Reshma. I would love to try it, but I don't look forward to changing all my family's favourite baking recipes. Perhaps small diet changes only!

    1. I am not gluten sensitive at all. But trying to lose weight and getting my skin looking healthier is why I have chosen to go gluten free. I haven't included my kids and hubby into this because they are just not ready yet. So I guess when in a month's time the results will show, I will go a bit forward in changing items in the kitchen pantry. And yes like yu said, small diet changes will surely help!


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