Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Feature: Jessica Duchart of CHAMELA GIRI

Welcome everyone! I hope you all have had a great week! I am still recovering from all the indian festivities. Ever since Dasara- I seem to be on a roll! Anyway, today I am featuring Jessica Duchart of Chamela Giri- her online shop for incense, perfume and Indian spice blends.

1.       What’s your name? Where are you from?

My name is Jessica Duchart and I was born in Kelowna, BC, I now live in Winlaw BC, but consider Roberts Creek on the Sunshine Coast of BC home!

          Chandra Powder pefume

2.       What inspired you to open up an Etsy Shop?

 On moving to the Kootenays I needed to create a new market for selling my products.  I started asking around and was told about the artistic community of Etsy.  I live quite rurally so having access to a global market is key.

      Organic Winter Chai masala 

3.       What kind of products does your shop sell. Why did you choose to create and sell these products? What inspires you to create them?

 I  make artistic perfumes and traditional masalas, I also have photographs from my first trip to India.  In 1996/97 I went to school for aromatherapy and have been creating and selling perfumes and potions ever since.  Learning more about perfumery and incense making was a large part of what took me to India.  What I hadn't expected to come home with was a deep love of spices.  Perfumery for your food!  My inspiration is around me everyday, whether it is a scent induced memory or dinner for my family, my nose definitely guides my day!

                                                    SaraKali Powder

4.       What is your favorite color and why?

My favorite color is purple/brown.  I love it's warmth and depth and the fact that it can change color in different lights.

5.       Tell us the story behind your shop’s name. 

On my last trip to India I ended up at the Khumba Mela in Haridwar.  I was sitting with a Naga Baba around his fire when he gave me the name, Chamela Giri, which roughly translates to white lotus of the mountains.  I live in the Kootenay mountains and work with flowers and scents so it just seemed to fit.

6.       If you could travel to any country/city in the world, where would it be and why?

Oh, that is hard question!  I think it would have be Bali in Indonesia.  I am really interested in incense making and the Balinese tradition fascinates me.  My plan is to be there next winter!

  7.       What is the most challenging aspect of being an Etsy seller?

 Picture from the  Indian Spice Cookbook  by Chamela Giri

Marketing and computer networking are definitely my weak spots.  I started out at festivals and markets where I was meeting my customers face to face and they could smell my perfumes and spices, my products were able to speak for themselves.  In other words shameless self promotion!

8.       Are you currently offering any coupons or special offers in your shop?

Actually I am!  Just type in masalamangomantra to receive 15% off everything in my shop.

9.       Where can we find you online ?

My blog has recipes, travel pictures and general musings

I hope you will visit Chamela Giri and use the coupon!

Thank you Jessica! 

All pictures are credits of Chamela Giri

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