Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Craftsia: A Handmade Haven from India

A very g o o d  morning to all you beautiful people.

And how is your  W E E K so far? 

Mine is going great. I went shopping for beads over the weekend to make some great designs the next few weeks. Do stop by this week for my new collection at MY SHOP AHKRITI

My husband and I watched 2 bollywood movies "HOUSEFUL 2" and "BUMBOO" ! And well, we watched both of them like they are the best BOLLYWOOD FLICKS on earth.  Psst...if you want to torture somebody you know what movies to get them right?

Anyway, Here is a great online shop for all you people who l O V E Indian handmade goodies. With beautiful handmade designs and apparel, you will be floored this festive season.

Crafsia is turning one and giving away two lucky people a gift voucher of Rs. 1500 to spend at their store.

And now, if I should win it my favorite items to shop would be

Ganesha playing the guitar

The Brocade Table runner

I love polka dots and this gorgeous Kanjeevaram sari with polka dots  is just perfect

Linking this post to coloursdekor - Giveaway

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