Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Independence Day India!

Happy Independence day to all Indians the World Over! 

Here's a beautiful poem by the great poet Rabindranath Tagore! 


  1. How we need these sentiments to blossom throughout the world, Reshma! He had so little patience for formal "schooling", yet Tagore's words have been spread far and wide via many scholarly roads. I wonder what he would have thought of today's internet use as a short-cut to "processed" information?

    1. Yes! Tagore would be wondering why nobody has any patience to sit down, write and atleast mull over what one has to say!

  2. Happy Independence Day, Reshma!
    How I wish Tagore's words were reality. But I still have hope...that someday it will all be well....

  3. they are some worthy words that people shld undrstnd...hats of reshma 4r such a nice post....


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