Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Summer reading

I miss my childhood days in India. Come Summer and I would catch up on all Nancy Drews, Famous Five, Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie! I would then write to my pen pals about what I read. What fun and joy those days were!

When I see my daughters playing and reading together, I feel so blessed that they have each other and they are in my life.

In the above picture, my elder daughter is reading  Princesses of the World to her younger sister!

What fun these wonder years are!

Enjoy Summer! 
Time to Read!


  1. Reshma,when I look at your beautiful picture I am brought back to the innocence of my childhood (so many years gone by!) My only sister and I spent many a brilliant summer afternoon sharing a book just like your sweet girls. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I loved reading Nancy Drew when I was young. I used to spend my summers trying to read as many as I could. Your daughters are beautiful and what a sweet photo! Enjoy your summer.
    Everyday Inspired


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