Thursday, May 3, 2012

Unique Indian Handicrafts at APORV

When Sudip the founder of APORV (pronounced a-poor-v)  wrote to me about his website, I decided to have a peek.  I was really delighted to find such beautiful handicrafts and designs that completely floored me. APORV partners with NGOs and SHGs in India to bring some of the best Indian handmade designs to us. Sudip also mentions with great pride that they have only handmade and eco friendly products and APORV was adjudged the prestigious Manthan Award South Asia 2010 

Come see what I liked at APORV

Gifts bags with Ganesha imprinted on them.

Handpainted Terracotta jewellery in beautiful colors

Handmade and hand carved decor or gifts 

Meenakari with Amethyst earrings

Tussar Stole

And just like what APORV in Sanskrit means Unique, there's a treasure trove of them.


Like them on Facebook HERE

All images from and copyrighted by APORV

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