Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Are Naturals and Handmade

So we are on the 11th day of January, in twenty twelve!

How goes everything?

I've been rather busy experimenting on some new find love...which I shall disclose in a month or two about what I am upto. But for now.

Enjoy my new online find on Handmade goodies!

 Tilted Pitcher. 
So imperfectly perfect for those afternoon parties!

Linen Blankets
 (Linen made in India with flax grown in France and Belgium...exotic!) 

Block printed scarves
(These are handmade block printed scarves, made in India) 
Gorgeous .... beautiful

Heart coffee spoon

Hand cast in zinc with nickel plating
Perfect for coffee lovers!

Driftwood bowl

A neat decor idea for the home!
I know my mom would love this!
Not because its a fruit bowl, but because she would use it for her Ikebana arrangements!

Jasmine Tea Set

I'm not a big fan of Jasmine tea, but  I like the teapot and the sake style teacups!
And guess what, this whole set is now at$35.

For more handmade natural stuff, visit  HERE

All picture credits of Are Naturals

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