Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mango Salsa

Today, we had a recipe exchange play date at my place. All moms had to bring 3 recipes and out of that one recipe we had to make and share. I chose to make Mango Salsa.

Here is the recipe

Preparation:10 minutes

4 ripe roma tomatoes
4 raw mangoes
1 red onion
1 green onion
Juice of 1 lemon
Olive oil 4 tbsp
Dash of hot sauce
Cilantro Freshly cut 1 cup
Garlic optional


Cube the tomatoes, raw mangoes, onions. Add the juice of the lemon, olive oil, cilantro and hot sauce. Mix it up well and have it with your favourite corn chips or tositos.


Thank you for stopping by and writing me a note!