Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Diwali 2011 preparation

This month has been quite a riot of festivities isn't it?

And boy I cannot wait for Diwali this year! With both my girls at that age where they are in awe of everything, I am as excited as they are.

So here is a peek of the diwali decor that I will be having this year.

I got this rangoli from Nirman and though I wanted to place it on the floor, for safety reasons (my girls are really young) I decided to flaunt it on the bronze plate that I have.

Adding some more bronze diyas...

And the entire bronze theme on display with my Ganesha collection

And some peacocks for some added beauty...

Adding this post to Patricia's



and to The Key Bunch- A bit of India in every home

All pictures: by Reshma


  1. This is fantastic! Each and every single picture is so gorgeous!! Love your space...yes, every bit of it.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  2. very beautiful...everything looks gorgeous...

  3. Simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

  4. Lovely rangolis. Hope you had a great Diwali. Thanks for linking in The Keybunch Party.

  5. absolutely stunning!! I love.. love how you've displayed the rangoli.. Definitely saved as favourites... to copy next year.. :-)

  6. Simply gorgeous!!! your peacocks are stunning.

  7. Beautiful... I love the peacocks... Thanks for participating in the party !!

  8. Beautiful post! Drawing rangoli and putting up decorations are my favorite diwali preparation. And of course, cooking those sweets and treats. I hope everyone having a great Diwali celebration.

    Cheers xxxx
    Diwali Decorations


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