Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Feature: ARCHSEHGAL

Hello everyone and it is with great delight I welcome Archana Sehgal of  Archsehgal - beautiful studio for greeting cards and wall art.
Archana is armed with a degree in TV and Film Production.  The penchant to draw and create things from her drawings has led her to create Archsehgal.   She is a mother of a toddler and in her spare time enjoys watching reality TV and drama shows.

2. What is the inspiration behind your studio Archsehgal - Archana's Art and Stationery Shop?

More than 10 years ago I designed my own wedding invitations. Since then I've made 3 more custom wedding invitation designs for friends and family. I've always wanted to do this professionally and earlier this year decided to go for it and opened up an Etsy shop. I make cards, custom invitations and wall art. Most of it starts off as a painting or drawing which I enhance in Photoshop and modify the layout to fit cards for different occasions. I'm flexible with colors, fonts, layouts, etc. and can customize almost every item. I
especially enjoy working with watercolors, but have recently found
myself trying new digital art tools which provide endless

3. How much time goes into making your beautiful cards

It really depends on the project. Some take a day and some take a week. Some are simpler and are made digitally, while others start off as watercolor paintings and go through different levels of post-processing. Sometimes I spend hours decided on layout, fonts and colors, even after the design is complete!

4. If you were not designing cards, what would you be doing?

Well, I work full-time in Human Resources, so I'd probably be doing that.  Or I'd try to get involved in children's television programming.

5. Have you been part of any shows?
No, not yet, but hope to some day!

6. FIVE things about you that you would like to share with us.

- I grew up in Switzerland 

- I'm a cat person

- Gossip Girl is my guilty pleasure

- Whenever I have time I watch Hindi movies

- My educational background is in TV/Film production, and professionally I've work as a Web Designer, programmer and now I'm in Human Resources!

7. Connect with Archana at

Any guesses which is my favorite creation or card ? 

Happy Friday Folks and enjoy your weekend!

All images from

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