Friday, May 27, 2011


A very warm welcome to everyone to today's Friday Feature!

It is an honor that I get to feature an agile septuagenarian from India, Dr. (Wg.Cdr) Ashis Roy, whose accomplishments will make you go outdoors.

Dr. Ashis Roy after completing the Potomac River Run Marathon (his 109th marathon)

Dr Ashis Roy served the Indian Air Force as a Cardiologist. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, he started jogging at the age of 50. He ran his first marathon when he was 53 years old in New Delhi, India and since then, there has been no looking back. Its over 25 years now and Dr. Roy, at age 78,  has more than 100 marathons in his kitty to boast about, having participated in marathons in the USA, Canada, U.K,Greece, Holland, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Macau, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria and Pakistan.

The 110th marathon was completed at Delaware, USA on May 15, 2011.

So is there a secret to this feat? Dr. Roy aka the Marathon Man of India  candidly says that there is no diet that he follows. He is a vegetarian by choice and runs for an hour and a half - 6 days a week. He never skips his breakfast and dinner.

This amazing marathon achievement by Dr Ashis Roy is recorded in the Limca Book of Records, India.

To bring about an awareness about physical fitness and his experiences about jogging, Dr. Roy has published a book called Joy of Running. You can get a copy HERE.

Connect with Dr. Ashis Roy at

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