Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Featured Artist: Indigene Craft

Welcome to Masala Mango Mantra's feature on  Indigene Craft - an online store for handmade indian crafts and clothings. Indigene Craft was started in 2010 by Jaya Bhatt and Ruchi Tripathi, graduates from the prestigious National Institute of Fashion Technology, (NIFT) India. Handmade crafts have always been dear to both of them and they are very passionate about bringing an awareness about handmade crafts and fabrics of India on an international level.

I am a big sucker for block prints and of course Indian fashon.  I happened to be looking for some unique fashion in block prints  and was absolutely delighted to find Indigene Craft ! I can  say that my wardrobe will now boast of more chic Indo western fashion wear! So without much ado, lets get to know these young women entrepreneurs of Indigene Craft

When and what let you to open Indigene Craft?

Our interest in the traditional crafts of India and a long period of interaction with artisans, crafts persons and organisations involved with such products, lead us to start with our own venture "Indigene". We are keen to experiment with our experiences in this sector and give the products our own unique flavor.

How long does it take to make a collection?
We come up with a new collection 2-3 times a year as per season. This involves conceptualizing and planning at least 6 months in advance before the new range is ready.

How are you different from others?
Our emphasis lies in using traditional craft techniques (fabric, surface embellishment, styling etc.) to create products that are contemporary and for the modern market. This is what we feel our uniqueness is. We believe in bringing together the traditional and the modern in our products.

Do you plan to design clothes for children?
We have not yet ventured into kids wear. But it is definitely a potential market and we will gradually like to expand our product range by adding interesting kid’s garments in our range.

If you were not designing clothes, what would you be doing?
Both of us love design and this does not restrict us to just designing clothing. We have to experiment on different mediums like jewelry, natural fibre and even designing spaces. Hence the options are numerous.

How do you market your designs?
We have our own website on which we put up our collections every season. Apart from that, social network media like Facebook and of course word of mouth.

Any shows and events that Indigene Craft has participated in?
Until now Indigene has participated at one exhibition in Delhi and one showing in Bangalore with the ANT store. We plan to be a part of more organized exhibitions this year. As one of us is based in USA we are looking at being able to participate at a few community events in there.

Connect with Indigene Craft at 

Email: info@indigenecraft.com
Contact no: India 98119 70107 USA 315 480 3950
Facebook: www.facebook.com/indigenecraft
Website: www.indigenecraft.com


  1. Just discovered your blog and I love it! I've been browsing your archives and there's this whole treasure trove of gorgeous Indian-inspired posts and I'm hooked! You're going on my blogroll!

    PS: Love that the ladies behind Indigene chose to have real life models--love that red blouse!

  2. @GB

    Thank you so much for having stopped by. I love the styles that Indigene offers...they are so Me!

    I am off now to check your blog.


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