Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Scrumptious Cottage Cheese and Peas Mini Galette Recipe

Hello everybody. Hope you are all doing well! Today I have invited my sister-in-law, Sharada Parashar, a hobby chef to get our tastebuds charged with-

A Scrumptious Cottage Cheese and Peas Mini Galette Recipe by Sharada Parashar. Find her easy Indian mouthwatering recipes here

According to Sharada "My first attempt at making a galette and that too a fusion one! The crispy taste of the Gallete cover is combined with the Indian curry filling of Cottage cheese and Peas".

Serving: Makes 4 Galette of about 3 inches

For crust:
1 and 1/2 cups of All purpose flour
3/4 cup salted butter - chilled and cut into small pieces OR
3/4 cup unsalted butter, chilled and cut into pieces + 1/4 tsp salt
1/8 cup Cheddar cheese, shredded
6-8 tbsp chilled water or as required

For filling:
350 gm or 11 oz home made cottage cheese
1 and 1/2 cup green peas
5 tbsp tomato puree
1 medium sized onion - finely chopped
1 tbsp - Ginger garlic paste
1 tsp Coriander powder
1 tsp Red Chilli powder
Pinch of asafoetida
Salt to taste
1 tbsp cooking oil
1 tbsp cream
2 tbsp cheddar cheese, shredded

Coriander/Cilantro to garnish


• Mix together flour, sugar and salt (if using unsalted butter). Mix in the butter chunks and combine till the flour looks like breadcrumbs. Sprinkle ice water and bring the dough together. Don't knead. Add more ice water little by little if you prefer pliable dough.
• Cover this dough with cling foil and keep it in fridge for an hour.
• Parboil the peas with a little water, a pinch of sugar and salt.
• Roughly cut the Cheese into small cubes.
• Heat oil in a wok. Add Asafoetida. Add ginger-garlic paste. Add Onions and cook till they are slightly brown.
• Put Tomato puree and cook for 1-2 minutes.
• Add Peas. Add Salt, Red Chili powder, Coriander powder. Stir. Cover and cook for 2 minutes, so that Peas absorb the spices.
• Add Cottage cheese. Mix. Cover and cook for 5 minutes.
• Switch off the flame. Add Garam masala. Add cream. Let the mixture cool down.

• Preheat the oven at 180C/350F. Take out the dough. Divide into 4 equal portions and make round balls.
• Place the ball between two plastic sheets (I cut ziplock bags and used them for this). Roll out the dough into 1/8" thick disk.

• Line a baking tray with butter paper. Place the rolled out disks on the tray. Scoop out the Cottage cheese-peas mixture and spread on each disk, leaving 1 inches on the sides. (You can leave more or less)

• Fold in the sides. (I avoid eggs, hence I have used milk to brush the surface. You can brush the surface with egg mixture). Bake for 35-40 minutes or till sides are brown. Just 2 minutes before baking time gets complete, open the oven and sprinkle some cheddar inside the opening of the galette. Move the galettes to rack. Let them cool a bit.

• Garnish with Coriander/Cilantro and serve.

Note: A lot of folks use 200C but I was concerned about over browning of Cottage cheese filling, hence tried it at 180C, which worked perfectly for me. You can use the setting suitable for your oven.

About Sharada Parashar  

Sharada is a Software professional and is based in India. Before she got married, she was a novice in cooking.  She started exploring food blogs and realised that when she started to cook, she really enjoyed it so much that she started her own blog -Cinnamon N Chillies. You can find some simple and easy to whip up recipes on her blog. Look it up, you may find an inspiration just like I did. 

Thank you and hope you like this recipe! Let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Off to check out yours now! :)


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